Workflow Manager
Workflow Manager within EXACT allows you to provide your admin team with the prompts they need to ensure all critical tasks are completed before the patient leaves the practice. Be it the completion of missing contact details, obtaining marketing consent, or booking the next appointment - you can customise task prompts to best suit your team and your workflows.
Below are just a few benefits of Workflow Manager:

Drive patient retention and recall effectiveness by ensuring you always have complete and up to date patient details on file.

Guarantee consistency of admin task completion and feel confident that your team is always delivering the standard of service you expect.

Aid new staff members with prompts that will allow them to learn workflows quickly.
Save time trawling through appointment books by receiving actionable appointment suggestions e.g. an automatic proposal of an appointment in 6 months time.

Feature overview
All Workflow Manager tasks within EXACT are fully actionable with just a few clicks, allowing you to spend more time on what matters, patient care.
Optimise your workflow todayCustomisable
Personalise task prompts to best suit your workflows.
Run a report within EXACT/ track as a key metric on MPC to measure team’s engagement.
Complete and action tasks directly through Workflow Manager.
If a task is not completed, a reason needs to be inputted.
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